[日期:2009-03-13]  來源:中國風景園林網(wǎng)  作者:   發(fā)表評論(0)打印


  在北京市朝陽區(qū)金盞鄉(xiāng)設計一個農(nóng)業(yè)觀光園, 通過項目分析定位、案例研究、方案修改,最終形成一套完整的規(guī)劃設計方案。在設計之中,主要通過果樹風光、農(nóng)業(yè)作物、大地花圃展示、觀賞花園、風情采摘等設計元素來表現(xiàn)農(nóng)業(yè)的獨特風光,同時其他設計元素,山水、建筑等在整體上共同營造出一個完整、舒適、和諧的環(huán)境,滿足人們休閑娛樂、游覽觀光、果蔬采摘、餐飲住宿、會議接待等功能需求。鞏固并加深大學期間所學到的各類知識和設計方法,并通過設計,學習和接觸農(nóng)業(yè)觀光園設計。

  關鍵詞:農(nóng)業(yè)觀光園 果樹 花圃 采摘


  The project is to design an agricultural tourism park in Jinzhan, Chaoyang district, Beijing. By analysing the project, doing researches of similar cases, modifying the plan again and adain, the final plan came out. It is mainly the views of fruit trees,agricutural plants, gardens and fruit picking that makes the park special and full of agricultural scenery. Also together with the elements of mountains, rivers and buildings ,the park turns out to be a harmonious and comfortable one, which can make it possible for tourists to have sightseeing, odging,meeting and fruit picking. By doing this, I can review what I learned in the past four years and get to know about the design of agricultural tourism parks.

  Key words: Agricultural Tourism Park   Fruit trees   Garden   Fruit picking

編輯:royal | 閱讀:
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