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(ASLA)專業(yè)設計獎-居住區(qū)設計類榮譽獎--臨湖通道設計(Passage to the Lake) 獲獎信息: 2008美國景觀景觀設計協會(ASLA)專業(yè)設計獎-居住區(qū)設計類榮譽獎 簡介: 項目地點:美國緬因州Stoneham市 設計單位:Michael Van Valkenburgh 景觀設計有限公司,紐約 Stoneham, MaineMichael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc., Landscape Architects, New York, New Yorkclient: Margaret Nomentana 評委會評語: 簡潔的震撼力。這條通向湖泊的小路非常美麗。景觀設計師具有處理好住屋與周邊野生植物關系的天賦,將其充分利用而與優(yōu)美的自然風光形成良好對比。 Simply stunning. The pathway to the water is intensely beautiful. The landscape architect has a real genius for balancing bold materials that relate to the home and providing good contrast with beautiful plants and nature. 項目介紹: J.B. Jackson指出,這個花園的本質在于,"滿足了人類每天存在的熱情"以及"工作,質量,人性的自然能力"。 J.B. Jackson observes that the essence of a garden "satisfies the aspirations of everyday existence" with "work that has quality and measure, capable of humanizing a small fragment of nature."
編輯:xiayu |
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